Before endeavouring upon a retreat journey, most people will find it useful to learn all about the retreat; its location, facilities, services on offer, programs, itinerary and, perhaps most importantly, about the teacher(s) leading the event they are considering taking part in. Most specifically, they may want to know what makes the teacher qualified to lead others down a particular pathway; what makes them the go-to expert in the topic they are presenting and sharing with others?
It is no secret that an authentic, life-enhancing retreat experience can best be led by those who "walk the talk". It is through life experience itself - and not just the amount of classroom hours spent, not the textbooks or theory studied, not the certificate on the wall, or the name and reputation of the teacher(s) / studios studied with - that brings us our most rewarding and life-altering lessons that shape us into teachers or retreat leaders.
Life has the potential to either stifle and defeat us or graciously mold us into the expert of our own greatest challenges. If stifled, we remain a student of a particular life lesson(s). However, if our challenges are reflected upon with clarity and compassion, then met by us with courage and and positive action, they can be transformed into priceless treasures that bring us empowerment and greater wisdom.

Once such wisdom is gained, it is then that we may find ourselves playing the part of a teacher or guide. After all, a teacher is really a student of life; one who can lead as a result of already having forged a way through darkness to higher ground. A teacher is one who can shine the light of understanding, compassion and wisdom, and who inspires and empowers those who face similar issues to move forward in their own journey of personal transformation by sharing tried and true tools along with graceful guidance.
Being a teacher is not a job; it's a right of passage that should be entrusted to those who have walked down the path of adversity with the courage to discover a new doorway. Those are the kind of individuals we bring to you as retreat leaders at Suncokret.
And so, it is with this in mind, that I have invited our visiting events teachers to reflect upon and share with our readers an inspirational story based on their own life journey that shines a light on how their own life experiences have shaped their understanding and mastery of the event topic(s) they are leading during our annual summer festival of co-hosted holistic yoga events.
The series is divided into four consecutive parts, which will be shared weekly throughout the month of March as follows:
5 March, Part 1: "Spiraling Full Circle: How travel inspires my creativity, connection to nature and divine living yoga experience." - by Daniela Dippong
12 March, Part 2: - "Full Moon Ritual: How a simple but profound Ayurvedic sadhana of making Ghee helped transform my approach to life and healing."- by Bahareh Hosseini
19 March, Part 3: - "Sourcehealing - a reflection on healing and how my practices help me to walk the path of wholeness and heart-connection" - by Anita Ilicic
26 March, Part 4: "Relax & Resparkle: The true story of a young woman’s journey into yogic living & personal development." - by Charlotte Hunt
Happy reading friends! May you find truth, wisdom, inspiration and empowerment in these stories, too!