Suncokret Dream
Your Holistic YogaRetreat on Hvar

Reiki Treatments & Chakra Life Mapping
Reiki Treatments
An excellent technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes profound healing.
Reiki is a system of energy healing whereby life force energy is channeled via the hands into the energy centers of the body, known as "chakras." The chakras are related to glands and organs and also control the way we think, feel and act, and therefore a Reiki treatment is both a physical but also mental, emotional, and spiritual technique that helps reduce stress, aids in relaxation, and promotes healing.
Reiki treatments can be given while lying down, seated, or standing. The recipient is fully-clothed. At an advanced level, it can be transferred without touch, and can also be used on a quantum level to project healing energy into the past as well as future situations.
Using the "Chakra Life Mapping Technique" it can also be used to discover and release blockages within a person's layers of being and release karmic patterns. The powers of Reiki are mysterious and profound.

What is a Classic Reiki Treatment?
In a classic Reiki treatment, the Reiki Master will channel Universal Life Force Energy through their hands, eyes, and thoughts into key meridians on the body and subtle layers of your being. The Reiki is highly intelligent and knows where to go in order to help deliver a soothing, balancing effect that supports stress release and a deeper sense of inner peace. This is non-invasive therapy is done fully-dressed and can involve gentle physical placement of the hands onto key points of the body, or it can be done without touch, according to the preference of the recipient.
Several variations of a "classic treatment" can include a 30-minute Chakra Balancing treatment, a 60-minute front line of the body treatment, or a 90-minute front and backline of the body treatment, depending on the needs and preferences of the recipient, as established during the 10-minute pre-treatment consultation.
​Treatment options include:
30-minute Chakra Balancing Treatment - 40 euros
60-minute Classic Reiki Treatment (front line of the body) - 70 euros
90-minute, Full Body Reiki Treatment - 105 euros
Chakra Life Mapping
Gain insight into your overall energetic makeup by identifying and channeling healing energy into blockages in your psychospiritual being that shape the way you think, feel, act, and react with Chakra Life Mapping therapy.
Chakra Life Mapping is an intuitively-guided process that begins with an initial consultation to discuss the issues you would like to address with the therapy. The therapy itself involves an on-going meditative discussion, where Reiki is simultaneously channeled into the energy field in order to tap into vital information stored in each major chakra (or energy center in the body). A variety of intuitive techniques are used to remove old blockages from the energy field. By infusing them with new energetic information, a great physical, emotional or psychological breakthrough may result from the process. The session is recorded and the results are discussed. Findings will be offered in a written report, along with suggestions on how to maintain balance in the areas that have been cleansed and recharged.
Life Mapping Therapy - 150 euros, includes:
Pre-therapy consultation
90-minute Chakra Life Mapping Session
Post-therapy consultation to discuss the experience
A written report with your unique chakra makeup & key meditation/visualizations to maintain balance