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Suncokret Dream
Your Holistic YogaRetreat on Hvar

3 min read
Interview with Nathan and Eduardo - Balancing Life with Joy Retreat Hosts
Dear Nathan and Eduardo, it is such a deep pleasure and honor to be able to welcome you back to Suncokret this September - and this time...

4 min read
Interview with Linda and Larry Cammarata - Hosts of The Mindful Body: Moving into Emotional Freedom
Hi Linda and Larry! We're so excited to host your first ever Croatia and Suncokret retreat weeks this May! Tell us a little more about...

6 min read
Sat Dharma - find the way to your real potential through rebirthing
Sat Dharma: Why am I here? On my last Reincarnation Therapy week there was one session I remember really vividly to this day. I was...

3 min read
Spring into Dance: Easter, Ishtar and Belly dancing
And there it is again, the figurine of an ancient Goddess, circulating on our social networks, attracting hundreds of thousands of...

6 min read
What to do when there are delays in moving forward with your life’s plans?
Last month I wrote about the 10 proven tips for a Balanced Year Ahead, which is a summary of the annual New Year’s rituals that enable me...
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